Sunday, March 29, 2009

Busy Time of Year

Just a quick note in response to Ann's comment (and for the information of anyone else who may be wondering):

Yes, this is my very busiest time of the year right now. Lambing time is just starting to get into full swing, and I'm once again sleeping (or, rather, ATTEMPTING to sleep) in the barn with the ewes who are ready to give birth.

We have had a few lambs born so far, but the weather has been mostly gray and rainy, so I haven't gotten many photos yet.

Lots of adorable lamb photos will be forthcoming soon, I promise!


Shep said...

Aw, good to know you're doing okay, Nancy. (It's Shepdog, from way back when, over on a horse board or two.)

Can't way to see photos of the lambs! Been looking forward to it. Hope Senter is doing good too. :)

Loafkeeper said...

We had three lambs pop out last weekend here. Of course, we hadn't planned to breed them this year...