Monday, April 5, 2010

Seven New Lambs

We had a lot of new lambs born in the past few days!

On April 2, Sapphire had two HUGE ewe lambs by Nicholai.  The moorit one weighed 12 lbs. at birth and the black one weighed 9 lbs. 7 oz.  That's more than 21 lbs. of lamb she was carrying, which is a lot for a 150 lb. sheep.  But she delivered them unassisted and they are very lively and vigorous.

This one is Xcarlett.  This name was submitted to our Name That Lamb contest by:  Laurel McGilvery (no web link given).

This one is Xcotia.  This name was submitted to our Name That Lamb contest by:  Laurel McGilvery (no web link given).

This one is Tsarina's moorit gray ram lamb by Scimitar, also born April 2.  His name is Xander.  This very popular name suggestion was submitted to our Name That Lamb contest by:  Carol of Loafkeeper Farm, Elizabeth Brockman (no web link given), Jeanne (no web link given), Molly Bailey of Bailey Girl Five, Stephen Pappas (no web link given), Tika of, Channa of OhSewNice, Cindy of Mommy's Dream Creations,  Laurel McGilvery (no web link given), and Robin of MommyMommyLand.

Another picture of Xander.

Also born on April 2, are Urbana's twins by Nicholai.  Urbana lost her pregnancy last year, so this is her first time being a mom, and she is doing great keeping track of these very active lambs.

The first one is a white ram lamb named Xcaliber.  This name was submitted to our Name That Lamb contest by:  Laurel McGilvery (no web link given).

 Another photo of Xcaliber.

Urbana's second lamb is a moorit badger spotted ewe lamb named Xabella.  This name was submitted to our Name That Lamb contest by:  Laurel McGilvery (no web link given).

 Another photo of Xabella.

And a photo of Xabella with mom Urbana and twin Xcaliber.  The ground is sprinkled with petals from our pear tree.

On April 3, Whimsy---a one-winter ewe---had her first lamb:  a white ewe lamb named Xelene.  This name was submitted to our Name That Lamb contest by:  Laurel McGilvery (no web link given).

Isn't this the cutest face?

One more photo of Xelene, with mom Whimsy.

Last, but not least, on April 4, Tansy had a HUGE (11 lb. 8 oz.) black badger ewe lamb by William.  Seriously, this lamb looks like she's two weeks old already!  When she was romping in the barn, she actually shook the floorboards.

Her name is Xtasy.  This name was submitted to our Name That Lamb contest by:  Stephen Pappas (no web link given).

 One more of Xtasy.

Here's a look back at our firstborn lamb of the year, Xaq.  He's enormous, and growing so fast!  He's also a real showoff for the camera.  All his pictures end up being closeups, because he has to come investigate everything.

A picture of Xanadu, because I can't resist her adorable spots.


  1. Sooooooooo cute!!! Xelene is precious. She's my fav so far.

  2. Absolutely incredible pictures - my boyfriend (who grew up on a sheep farm) said if you were closer we would have to come visit!

    I was commenting on what a beauty Xelene is and then I scrolled down to the close up! Wow...

  3. YEA x7!!!! hugs and kisses to the lambs and humans!

  4. The kids all look adorable. Are there more to come? (Xena, Xavier, Xcel ... ) :)

    Mark (It wouldn't let me use my OpenID for some reason).

  5. Mark: Yes, MANY more lambs yet to come. We're not even halfway through yet!

  6. You have such a beautiful crop of lambs!
