Here it is at last, our 2009 sales list!
Some sheep are already reserved, and a few people are on our waiting list to get first choice on some of the sheep. Other than that, sales will be first come, first served, so make your choices early.
Tutankhamen FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T: Horned moorit solid twin ram. Born 2007. 62.5% AI bloodlines (Flotti, Bambi, Morro). Carries spotting. Tut is only on the sales list because we like him so much that we've kept quite a few of his daughters. Now we need to make room for some new bloodlines. He has a mild, quiet nature, a good build, and a rich, crimpy fleece. He's has been a very dependable sire for us, always producing lovely lambs, no matter what he was bred to.
Sire: FRELSI RAM 01H 280M
Dam: Moira FRELSI EWE M5H 310N -[CAN]576449.
Price: $800 (I paid $1,000 for him as an unproven lamb)Taj FRELSI AI RAM 01H 555T: Horned white twin AI ram. Born 2007. 87.5% AI bloodlines (Moli, Muli, Laekur). Probably homozygous white. Lots of great AI lines here, for both meat conformation and fine fleece. This guy has matured into a MASSIVE ram. Excellent wide, meaty build, and truly remarkable fleece quality: Incredibly soft and rich, with the most gorgeous luster. He passes that fleece quality reliably on to his lambs as well. Just an overall beautiful ram with a very high AI%. He would improve the meat and fleece quality in just about anyone's flock.
Sire: Moli 00-882..
Dam: FRELSI AI EWE 01H 435R -[CAN]600707-H.
Price: $700---Reduced to $500 because he has one horn that is growing close to his face and will need to be cut.Titan INGL RAM M5H 003T: Horned moorit solid single ram. Born 2007. 25% Solee, 25% MacBeth, and 37% AI blood (Bambi, Blaevar, Heli, Hunn). May carry spotting. A large, broad ram with an excellent horn spread. Both his parents have excellent heat and parasite resistance. He is the handsomest ram in our flock. He gave us such a nice collection of magnificently large and stout ewe lambs this year, that we decided to keep every one of them!
Sire: Nicholai JAGER RAM M5H 641N.
Dam: Poppy SRX 01H EWE 316P.
Price: $800. RESERVEDUmber INGL RAM M5SH 003U. Horned moorit solid spotted single ram. Born 2008. 37.5% AI blood (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Morro). This ram is the son of my best fleece ewe. Mom also has excellent heat/parasite resistance. He was our largest, most parasite-resistant lamb last year.
Sire: Tutankhamen FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T.
Dam: Rhonwen SHI RHON EWE B3H 10R.
Price: $500. TENTATIVELY RESERVED?Ukraine INGL RAM M5H 033U: Horned moorit solid twin ram. Born 2008. 50% AI blood (Blaevar, Heli, Kani, Rektor, Thettir). Probably carries spotting. Sire has fantastic heat/parasite resistance. Dam has a phenomenal meat build—the best in my flock.
Sire: Nicholai JAGER RAM M5H 641N.
Dam: Persia NMI EWE ELEN B2SH 431P.
Price: $500. TENTATIVELY RESERVED?Urban INGL RAM 01H 023U: Horned white twin ram. Born 2008. 43.8% AI blood (Laekur, Moli, Muli). Carries moorit, spotting, and either solid or badger. This is a big, broad, beautiful young ram. Excellent build; soft, BRIGHT white fleece. Superb, lustrous, abundant fleeces on both sire and dam sides. Sire has a great meat build. Dam has excellent heat and parasite resistance. Like all the lambs from this ewe, this boy has a mild temperament. I'm keeping his twin sister for my own flock.
Sire: Taj FRELSI AI RAM 01H 555T.
Dam: Paisley SHI ELSKA EWE M3SH 4P.
Price: $500---Reduced to $400 because his horns are close to his face and will need to be cut.
ADULT EWESSaffron MILES 026S -[CAN]607263-H: Horned moorit gray single ewe from a ewe lamb. Born 2006. 31.25% AI bloodlines (Hnykill, Askur, Kani, Dropi). Carries spotting. Nice horn set and a soft fleece that is the exact color of cinnamon sugar. Her fleece is always one of the most popular among my fleece customers. She's a smart, watchful ewe who takes good care of her lambs. Lambing record: 1,1,2.
Sire: Thorn SRX B4H RAM 473P -[CAN]581965-H.
Dam: SRX EWE M5SH 600R -[CAN]594559-H.
Price: $700Simone INGL EWE B5H 012S: Horned black twin ewe. Born 2006. She carries 40.6% AI bloodlines (Blaevar, Heli, Rektor). A good-sized, broad ewe with a quiet personality, inky black fleece, and wide horns. Carries spotting and moorit. Lambing record: 1,0,1.
Sire: Romulus JAGER AI RAM B5SH 825R.
Dam: Moriah JAGER EWE B5H 500M.
Price: $700Savannah HP EWE B24H 27S: Horned black gray “frosted” mouflon twin ewe. Born 2006. 62.5% AI bloodlines (Ari, Bambi, Biskup, Hnykill, Leifur), including 3 leadersheep lines. Carries moorit and spotting. Rich, abundant fleece in a beautiful, complex color. Prettiest face in the flock. Leader sheep personality, too! Lambing record: 0,2,1.
Sire: JAGER AI RAM B2SH 827R -[CAN]595611.
Dam: HMRR MRTMFLNEWE M4H 653P -[CAN]582588-NH.
Price: $700Secret SMF EWE M5C 102S -[CAN]606025: Polled moorit solid single ewe (from a ewe lamb). Born 2006. 37.5% AI bloodlines (Arfi, Dropi, Heli). 25% Midas. Large build, excellent hindquarters, and very nice overall harmony. Excellent heat and parasite resistance. Excellent fleece, and mild, friendly personality too. Carries horned genetics: produces fully horned lambs when bred to a horned ram. Lambing record: 1,1,1.
Sire: JAGER AI RAM M5C 803R -[CAN]594370:
Dam: Rowena SHI ALEDA EWE M3H 5R -[CAN]590018:
Price: $700Udela INGL EWE 01H 027U: Horned white twin ewe. Born 2008. 75% AI blood (Ari, Bambi, Biskup, Hnykill, Laekur, Liefur, Moli, Muli), including 3 Leadersheep lines. Carries either gray or mouflon. May carry moorit and/or spotting. Gorgeous fleece on this girl: rich, bright white, and tons of gorgeous luster. Sire has a great meat build, wide horns, and lovely lustrous fleece. Dam has lovely wide horns, a very soft fleece, and a very Leader-like personality. Lambing record: NB.
Sire: Taj FRELSI AI RAM 01H 555T.
Dam: Savannah HP EWE B24H 27S.
Price: $600Ultra INGL EWE B5H 025U: Horned black solid twin ewe. Born 2008. 62.5% AI blood (Ari, Bambi, Biskup, Flotti, Hnykill, Liefur, Morro), including 3 Leadersheep lines. Carries moorit. May carry spotting. Nice fleece. This is an extremely friendly ewe, definitely a leadersheep. She is as tame as a dog, does tricks and (as you can see in the photo) enjoys being dressed up in costumes to entertain guests! Sire has an excellent meat build. Dam is very milky, has lovely wide horns, a very soft fleece, and a friendly, Leader-like personality. Lambing record: NB.
Sire: Tutankhamen FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T.
Dam: Salem HP EWE B5H 40S.
Price: $600Urelia INGL EWE 01H 034U: Horned white single ewe. Born 2008. 59.4% AI blood (Ari, Laekur, Liefur, Moli, Muli). Carries spotting and either gray or mouflon. A quiet, easy going ewe with a lovely fleece. Sire has a great meat build and a lovely lustrous fleece. Dam has a beautiful, soft, complex fleece and a very Leader-like personality. Lambing record: 1. She's only on the sales list to make room so we can keep her daughter by Nicholai.
Sire: Taj FRELSI AI RAM 01H 555T.
Dam: Suzette HP B24SH 11S:
Price: $700
RAM LAMBSWysiwyg INGL RAM M3SH 003W: Horned moorit badgerface spotted twin ram. Born March 15, 2009. 7 lbs., 1 oz. at birth. 37.5% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Morro). 25% Midas. A large, stout lamb with a wonderful, silky fleece. I'd say he has one of the best fleeces in this year's lamb flock. Sire has good meat build and thick, crimpy fleece. Dam has the best fleece in my flock and excellent heat/parasite resistance. This lamb is a full brother to our ram Umber, who was our largest, most parasite resistant lamb last year.
Sire: Tut FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T.
Dam: Rhonwen SHI RHON EWE B3H 10R.
Price: $500 Warhol INGL RAM M5SH 004W: Horned moorit solid spotted twin ram. Born March 26, 2009. 7 lbs., 14 oz. at birth. 43.75% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Hunn, Kani, Molur, Morro). 25% Tut. This handsome boy is stout, has a soft, fluffy fleece, and is very nicely marked. Sire was our largest, most parasite resistant lamb last year. Dam has a large build and is one of our best mothers, with very easy births.
Sire: Umber INGL RAM M5SH 003U.
Dam: Regina SRX EWE B2H 549R.
Price: $500 RESERVEDWagner INGL RAM B5H 007W: Horned black solid twin ram. Born March 26, 2009. 7 lbs. at birth. Carries moorit. May carry spotting. 43.75% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Morro). A very handsome lamb with an inky black fleece and an unusually calm and friendly personality. Sire has good meat build and thick, crimpy fleece. Dam is an excellent mother with a fine, soft fleece; wide horns; and very good milkiness.
Sire: Tut FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T.
Dam: Moriah JAGER EWE B5H 500M.
Price: $500Whitman INGL RAM 01H 009W: Horned white twin ram. Born March 31, 2009. 6 lbs. 7 oz. at birth. Carries moorit and solid. May carry spotting. 68.75% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Flotti, Kunningi, Molur, Morro, Thokki). Don't let this baby picture fool you, this boy is BUILT! Wonderfully stout and vigorous with a lot of fleece already. Almost identical to his twin, Whitsun, below (I just haven't gotten a more recent photo of him yet to show how much he's grown). Sire has good meat build and thick, crimpy fleece. Dam has good build, nice fleece, and excellent parasite resistance.
Sire: Tut FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T.
Dam: Tsarina JAGER EWE 01H 145T.
Price: $500Whitsun INGL RAM 01H 010W: Horned white twin ram. Born March 31, 2009. 6 lbs. 10 oz. at birth. Carries moorit and solid. May carry spotting. 68.75% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Flotti, Kunningi, Molur, Morro, Thokki). Terrific build, really broad all over, and already showing an abundant fleece. Almost identical to his twin, Whitman, above. Sire has good meat build and thick, crimpy fleece. Dam has good build, nice fleece, and excellent parasite resistance.
Sire: Tut FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T.
Dam: Tsarina JAGER EWE 01H 145T.
Price: $500William INGL RAM 01H 013W: Horned white triplet ram. Born March 31, 2009. 8 lbs. at birth. Carries solid. 75% AI bloodlines (Heli, Laekur, Langidalur, Moli, Muli). Sire has excellent meat build and soft, rich fleece. Dam has a nice build, thick fleece, and superb heat/parasite resistance. This is one of the best lambs of the year as far as overall quality. He has a terrific build, and a VERY abundant, soft fleece. AND he's a triplet. I'm keeping his brother and sister for my own flock. His price has been reduced because I gave his mother oxytetracycline (an antibiotic) while she was pregnant, and it caused a birth defect: William's ears are 1/2 the normal size. He can hear just fine, though. The defect is cosmetic only. It was caused by his in-utero environment, not by genetics, so it should have no effect at all on his lambs.
Sire: Taj FRELSI AI RAM 01H 555T
Dam: Sapphire JAGER AI EWE B5H 913S
Price: $700. Reduced to $400 due to ears.Whirligig INGL RAM B3SH 018W: Horned black badger spotted twin ram. Born April 1, 2009. 7 lbs., 11 oz. at birth. Very flashy, tri-colored pattern! Carries moorit and solid. 37.5% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Kongur, Biskup). 25% Macbeth. This lamb should have an exceptional fleece. Sire has superb fleece and exceptional heat/parasite resistance. Dam has a wide, meaty build; a long, soft fleece; and very good milkiness.
Sire: Midas SYED RAM DBS 26M
Dam: Peri SRX 01H EWE 467P
Price: $700 RESERVEDWraith INGL RAM 01H 019W: Horned white twin ram. Born April 1, 2009. 5 lbs., 15 oz. at birth. Carries moorit, possibly black, and either solid or badger. May carry spotting. 37.5% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Kongur, Biskup). 25% Macbeth. This lamb should have an exceptional fleece. He's not as flashy as his twin, Whirligig, above, but he has the same genetics plus a slightly stouter build. Sire has superb fleece and exceptional heat/parasite resistance. Dam has a wide, meaty build; a long, soft fleece; and very good milkiness.
Sire: Midas SYED RAM DBS 26M
Dam: Peri SRX 01H EWE 467P
Price: $500Walsh INGL RAM M5SH 025W: Horned moorit solid spotted twin ram. Born April 5, 2009. 6 lbs., 12 oz. at birth. 34.4% AI bloodlines (Askur, Bambi, Blaevar, Dropi, Flotti, Hnykill, Kani, Morr). 25% Tut. This handsome boy has already grown a lot since this photo was taken. Homozygous for all the recessive color genes: moorit, solid, and spotting. Sire was our largest, most parasite resistant lamb last year. Dam has a nice horn set and a soft, pretty fleece.
Sire: Umber INGL RAM M5SH 003U.
Dam: Saffron MILES 026S
Price: $500Wessex INGL RAM M3H 028W: Horned moorit badger twin ram. Born April 5, 2009. 5 lbs., 11 oz. at birth. 40.63% AI bloodlines (Eldar, Kostur, Heli). Sire has superb fleece and exceptional heat/parasite resistance. Dam is a big, friendly ewe with a lovely soft fleece, who brings in some nice genetic diversity from the Eldar line, which is unrelated to most other AI bloodlines. This boy is already showing a very fine-textured, soft fleece. He's stout, curious, and very lively.
Sire: Midas SYED RAM DBS 26M
Dam: Titania JAGER AI EWE 01H 106T
Price: $500 RESERVEDWinston INGL RAM 01H 032W: Horned white twin ram (to a ewe lamb). Born April 10, 2009. 3 lbs., 6 oz. at birth. Carries moorit, either solid or badger, and possibly spotting. He has 18.75% AI bloodlines (Flotti, Heli, Molur, Moli) and is also 25% Nicholai, and 50% Midas—my two most parasite resistant lines. He’s already showing wonderful fleece quality—soft as silk and oh-so-lustrous. Don't miss out just because this boy is white---I would say that this is the nicest fleece of this year's lamb flock! Sire has superb fleece and exceptional heat/parasite resistance. Dam is a large, broad ewe from excellent meaty and milky lines.
Sire: Midas SYED RAM DBS 26M
Dam: Utopia INGL EWE 01H 013U
Price: $500Winchester INGL RAM 01H 033W: Horned white single ram (to a ewe lamb). Born April 14, 2009. 5 lbs., 2 oz. at birth. Under his white pattern, he should be homozygous for moorit, carries either badger or solid, and possibly spotting. He has 18.75% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Heli, Hunn) and is also 25% Nicholai, and 50% Midas—my two most parasite resistant lines. This lamb is growing quickly and (like all of Midas's offspring) looks like he'll have a lovely fleece. Sire has superb fleece and exceptional heat/parasite resistance. Dam is from a meaty, parasite-resistant line.
Sire: Midas SYED RAM DBS 26M
Dam: Ulyssia INGL EWE 01H 015U
Price: $500Wasabi INGL RAM M5H 035W: Horned moorit solid single ram. Born April 17, 2009. 6 lbs. at birth. 40.6% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Biskup, Blaevar, Flotti, Heli, Kongur, Morro). 25% Nicholai, 25% Tut. Sire was our largest, most parasite resistant lamb last year. Dam has a large, wide build and an excellent horn set. This is a stout, very muscular lamb who is vigorous, active, and unusually friendly.
Sire: Umber INGL RAM M5SH 003U.
Dam: Tundra INGL EWE O1H 007T
Price: $500Wyoming INGL RAM 01H 037W: Horned white twin ram. Born April 17, 2009. 8 lbs., 1 oz. at birth. Carries moorit, solid, and possibly spotting. 43.5% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Heli, Hunn, Molur, Thettir). 25% Nicholai. Sire has a large build, excellent horn spread, and good heat resistance. Dam has a magnificent meat build, rich fleece, and good milkiness. Awesome build on this boy! He is enormous, correct, and very, very broad. Looks like he's going to have a very rich, lustrous fleece too. I'm keeping his twin sister for my own flock.
Sire: Titan INGL RAM M5H 003T
Dam: Phoebe OAK WYSE EWE 01H 1P
Price: $500Waldo INGL RAM M5H 038W: Horned moorit solid single ram. Born April 18, 2009. 8 lbs., 6 oz. at birth. Carries spotting. 39% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Heli, Morro, Rektor). 25% Tut. Fast-growing and muscular. Sire was our largest, most parasite resistant lamb last year. Dam has a large, wide build and an excellent horn set.
Sire: Umber INGL RAM M5SH 003U.
Dam: Simone INGL EWE B5H 012S
Price: $500
Woodstock INGL RAM B5H 041W: Horned black solid twin ram. Born May 8, 2009. 7 lbs., 12 oz. at birth. Carries moorit. 37.5% AI bloodlines (Ari, Bambi, Biskup, Heli, Hnykill, Leifur). 25% Solee. Sire has exceptional heat/parasite resistance. Dam is our flock leader sheep. She has a soft fleece, good milkiness, an extremely tame, friendly personality and carries 3 leader sheep lines. This boy is glossy black, with a leader sheep type build and is already showing a bold, curious personality.
Sire: Nicholai JAGER RAM M5H 641N
Dam: Salem HP EWE B5H 40S
Price: $500
Sire: Midas SYED RAM DBS 26M
Dam: Pandora OAK WYSE EWE 01H 8P
Price: $600
Sire: Tut FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T
Dam: Tara VB EWE M4H 10T
Price: $600
Sire: Tut FRELSI AI RAM M5H 540T
Dam: Tara VB EWE M4H 10T
Price: $600
Sire: Umber INGL RAM M5SH 003U.
Dam: Saffron MILES 026S
Price: $600
If you have any questions, let me know.
Don't see what you're looking for? I have a few more ewes and lambs that I might possibly be willing to release onto the sales list later in the summer. So don't be afraid to ask!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Icelandic Sheep: 2009 Sales List
Posted by
Nancy Chase
5/14/2009 02:39:00 PM
Labels: sheep
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