Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More New Lambs

Here are photos of some of the new lambs since last time I posted. Besides these lambs and the ones in the previous post, there are still two ewes waiting to give birth, and one lamb that was born just a few hours ago that I don't have a photo of yet.

Wasabi INGL RAM M5H 035W (shown here at 10 days old): Horned moorit solid single ram. Born April 17, 2009. 6 lbs. at birth. 40.6% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Biskup, Blaevar, Flotti, Heli, Kongur, Morro). 25% Nicholai, 25% Tut.

Sire was our largest, most parasite resistant lamb last year. Dam has a large, wide build and an excellent horn set. This lamb is already quite stout, just a solid ball of muscles, and very friendly.

Sire: Umber INGL RAM M5SH 003U.
Dam: Tundra INGL EWE O1H 007T

He will probably be for sale.

Winnebago INGL EWE 01H 036W (shown here at 10 days old): Horned white twin ewe. Born April 17, 2009. 11 lbs., 8 oz. at birth. Carries moorit, solid, and possibly spotting. 43.5% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Heli, Hunn, Molur, Thettir).

Sire has a large build, excellent horn spread, and good heat resistance. Dam has a magnificent meat build, rich fleece, and good milkiness. This is a big, broad lamb, just like her mother.

Sire: Titan INGL RAM M5H 003T
Dam: Phoebe OAK WYSE EWE 01H 1P

Not yet decided if she will be for sale.

Wyoming INGL RAM 01H 037W (shown here at 10 days old): Horned white twin ram. Born April 17, 2009. 8 lbs., 1 oz. at birth. Carries moorit, solid, and possibly spotting. 43.5% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Heli, Hunn, Molur, Thettir).

Sire has a large build, excellent horn spread, and good heat resistance. Dam has a magnificent meat build, rich fleece, and good milkiness. Broad build and good bone on this lamb.

Sire: Titan INGL RAM M5H 003T
Dam: Phoebe OAK WYSE EWE 01H 1P

He will probably be for sale.

Waldo INGLRAM M5H 038W: Horned moorit solid single ram. Born April 18, 2009. 8lbs., 6 oz. at birth. Carries spotting. 39% AI bloodlines (Bambi,Blaevar, Flotti, Heli, Morro, Rektor). 25% Tut.

Sire was our largest, most parasite resistant lamb last year. Dam has a large, wide build and an excellent horn set.

Sire: Umber INGL RAM M5SH 003U.
Dam: Simone INGL EWE B5H 012S

He will probably be for sale.

Willow INGL EWE M5H 039W (shown here at 4 days old): Horned moorit solid single ewe (to a ewe lamb). Born April 23, 2009. 4 lbs., 5 oz. at birth. May carry spotting. 34.4% AI bloodlines (Bambi, Blaevar, Flotti, Kani, Heli, Hunn, Molur, Morro). 25% Solee, 25% Tut.

Sire has exceptional heat/parasite resistance. Dam is a lovely, stout ewe lamb with a good meat build and a soft, dense fleece. This lamb may be small now, but she is vigorous and lively, with a mind of her own.

Sire: Nicholai JAGER RAM M5H 641N
Dam: Undra INGL EWE M5H 030U

Not yet decided if she will be for sale.

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